Is Hybrid Education The Future Of Learning?
In the last three decades, the use of the Internet has increased. The past decades have witnessed a rise in digital technologies within school curriculum. Schools are trying to keep up with the trend and this has led to the concept of hybrid education. The concept of hybrid education was designed to make learning more

The Education System That Is Endangering The Future Of Israel
At a time where different countries in the world are making sweeping changes to their academic system to meet up with the global trend, it is unfortunate to learn that Israel’s education system is lagging behind. According to different reports, Israel is equipping its young generation with Third World education which will make it inadequate

Turkey’s Education System Towards 2023
There is a popular saying that education is the bedrock of any nation. Any country that aspires to be great must place emphasis on her education sector. Finland’s education is continuously ranked above that of the United States because the government of Finland funds all the schools in the country. The government of Turkey, through

Ways The ACT Education System Can Be Improved
Australia Capital Territory (ACT) has a localized school system where all the schools are located within Canberra. The ACT school system is split into five educational levels in ascending order as Pre-School, Primary School (also called K-6), High School (7—10), College (11—12), and University or TAFE. Tharwa Primary School is the oldest operating school in

Impact Of Digital Technologies On Learning
When you talk about the impact of digital technologies on academic achievements, it is important to note that it is not a question of whether the difference comes from the use of technologies but also on how the technologies were used. The advantages of the use of technologies in a learning environment are better felt

Why Finland’s Education System Is Better Than America?
America is one of the countries that developing countries are hoping to become in the nearest future. However, when it comes to education, America consistently ranks below Finland—and you may be wondering the reason behind this. America approach education like a competitive business while Finland cherishes child’s development through extensive nurturing. Finland is a beautiful